Helping you invest and buid wealth 💰

Hey, I'm Ryan!

I was born in North London and then went through school, university and started working. Pretty standard.

I worked in London as an Accountant before moving over to Melbourne to crunch some numbers down under.

Fortunately, I discovered investing at 21 years old (although I 'accidentally' became an investor at 20 years old through a workplace pension), which allowed me to build a £100,000+ investment portfolio by the time I was 26.

I'm not special, I didn't inherit any money and I'm certainly not a genius. I simply got started,  prioritised investing and remained consistent. 

Investing hasn't got to be complicated and anyone can start investing, which is why my main goal - and what I help with - is to get people to actually start investing. 

Stop Waiting, Start Investing!

Quickfire Facts About Me 

  • 👨‍🎓 I studied Economics at university, graduating in 2019
  • 👨‍💻 I've been working as an Accountant since 2019
  • ✅ I became a Chartered Accountant in 2022
  • ⚽️ Big fan of sports, particularly football 
  • 🏝️ Love a good holiday, my most recent was a trip to New Zealand 
  • 🏃‍♂️ Amateur gymmer and runner
  • 🍺 Always up for a pint of Guinness


  • 📕 My book Stop Waiting, Start Investing will be published in November 2024! You can get it here

Making Money Simple?

I started Making Money Simple during my final year of university in 2019.

Why? Well as I began investing myself and going down the rabbit hole, I noticed that there was literally zero money-related content for us in the UK.

Making Money Simple was created as a 'financial education' platform where I would break money-related topics down as simply as possible (you can see my first ever logo here from 2019... 😂)

Over time, 'MMS' grew across social media, from an Instagram page into a Youtube channel, Podcast, TikTok and email newsletter. 

I have continued to share my investment portfolio and my actual monthly investments, as I want to be as transparent as possible and show how simple investing can be.

As well as sharing my wins (such as salary increases at work) to help motivate others and my mistakes (as I've made many) to help others avoid them.

Through MMS I started working with brands, being featured in the press (mental 🤯) and created and released a number of my own resources to help others.

What's Next? 🔜

Even through studying Economics and becoming a Chartered Accountant, I had no idea about investing. 

Investing felt complicated. But I can tell you, after years of being 'an investor' and after helping thousands of others to start investing, it hasn't got to be complicated.

You don't have to be a genius, I'm certainly not.

You don't need an inheritance to start, I certainly didn't. 

After starting with £100 per month 6+ years ago, I now have a £100,000+ investment portfolio. It feels absolutely mad writing that sentence down now.

The best bit? My approach to investing is unbelievably simple (hence 'Making Money Simple'... 😅). As well as being automated, passive, hands-off and low maintenance. 

I want more people to start investing and to build their wealth, which is why I continue to create content through Making Money Simple across social media.

Continuing to share my journey, breaking it down simply with no BS and no jargon, passing on my mistakes and knowledge, and to get more people to start investing!

If I can do it, you can do 🤝

Helping thousands of people across the UK with investing and building wealth 💰


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Download my 'Three-Step Blueprint To Start Investing' Guide

15 pages packed full of information. Written as simply as possible. 100% free.